- Hesse, M.; Hunstig M.; Timmermann J.; Trächtler A.: Batch
Constrained Bayesian Optimization for Ultrasonic Wire Bonding
Feed-forward Control Design. Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and
Methods - Vol. 1: ICPRAM, pp. 383-394. DOI:10.5220/0010806600003122
(license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)]
- Hunstig, M.; Holtkämper, S.; Helmich, L.; Brökelmann, M.: Smart Ultrasonic Welding – A Versatile
Interconnection Technology for Power Electronics Packaging.
iMAPS Advanced Power Electronics Packaging Symposium (APEPS), April
26-29, 2021 [Preprint]
- Unger, A.; Hunstig, M.; Brökelmann, M.; Siepe, D.; Hesse, H.
J.: Cell
Interconnections in Battery Packs Using Laser-assisted
Ultrasonic Wire Bonding. Proceedings
of 53rd Int. Symposium on Microelectronics (IMAPS), October 5-8,
2020 [online]
- Hunstig, M.; Holtkämper, S.: Smart Ultrasonic Welding in
der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik (engl.: Smart
ultrasonic welding in IC packaging). electronic fab 2/2020, pp.
104-106 [online
magazine] [article
- Hunstig, M.; Schaermann, W.; Brökelmann, M.; Holtkämper, S.;
Siepe, D.; Hesse, H. J.: Smart
Ultrasonic Welding in Power Electronics Packaging. CIPS
2020 – 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics
Systems, Berlin, Germany, March 24–26, 2020 (originally scheduled
date, conference cancelled) [VDE
Verlag] [IEEE]
- T. Dobs, J. Höfer, L. Helmich, M.
Hunstig, K.-D. Lang: Schwingungsanalyse von Chipaufbauten mit
Überhangstrukturen hinsichtlich der Bondbarkeit (engl.:
Vibration analysis regarding bondability of chip packages with
overhang structures). MikroSystemTechnik
Kongress 2019, Berlin, Oct. 28–30,
2019, pp. 301–304 [Preprint]
- R. Schemmel,
R.; Eacock, F.; Dymel, C.; Hemsel, T.; Hunstig, M.; Brökelmann, M.;
Sextro, W.: Impact of
multi-dimensional vibration trajectories on quality and failure
modes in ultrasonic bonding. Proceedings of 52nd Int.
Symposium in Microelectronics (IMAPS), Boston, MA, USA, October 1-3,
2019. DOI:10.4071/2380-4505-2019.1.000509
- Hunstig, M.; Unger, A.; Brökelmann, M.; Hesse, H. J.: Process
advantages of thermosonic wedge-wedge bonding using dosed tool
heating. Proceedings of 52nd Int. Symposium on
Microelectronics (IMAPS), Boston, MA, USA, October 1-3, 2019. DOI:10.4071/2380-4505-2019.1.000519
- Unger, A.; Hunstig, M.; Brökelmann, M.; Hesse, H. J.: Thermosonic
wedge-wedge bonding using dosed tool heating. Proceedings
of 22nd Microelectronics and Packaging Conference (EMPC), Pisa,
Italy, September 16-19, 2019. DOI:10.23919/EMPC44848.2019.8951825
- Schemmel, R.; Hemsel, T.; Dymel, C.; Hunstig, M.; Brökelmann, M.;
Sextro, W.: Using complex
multi-dimensional vibration trajectories in ultrasonic bonding and
welding. Sensors and
Actuators A: Physical 295 (2019), pp. 653-662, DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2019.04.025
- in: Sextro, W.; Brökelmann, M. (eds.):
Intelligente Herstellung zuverlässiger Kupferbondverbindungen
(engl: Intelligent production of reliable copper wire bonds).
Springer Vieweg, 2019. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-55146-2:
- Hunstig, M.; Unger, A.; Meyer, T.: Grundlagen
des Ultraschall-Drahtbondens (Ch. 2), pp. 5-16. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-55146-2_2
- Unger, A.; Althoff, S.; Brökelmann, M.; Hunstig, M.; Meyer, T.:
Modellbildung für das
Ultraschall-Drahtbonden (Ch. 3), pp. 17-44. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-55146-2_3
- Unger, A.; Hunstig, M.; Schemmel, R.: Simulation
und Validierung des Bondprozesses (Ch. 4), pp. 45-52. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-55146-2_4
- Meyer, T.; Unger, A.; Hunstig, M.; Brökelmann, M.: Mehrzieloptimierung
und Verhaltensanpassung am Bondautomaten (Ch. 5), pp.
53-64. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-55146-2_5
- Unger, A.; Hunstig, M.; Brökelmann, M.; Meyer, T.; Althoff, S.,
Kirsch, O.; Schemmel, R.: Zusammenfassung
(Ch. 6), pp. 65-67. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-55146-2_6
- Unger, A.; Hunstig, M.; Meyer, T.;
Brökelmann, M.; Sextro, W.:
Production of Wire Bonds using Multi-Objective
Optimization – Insights, Opportunities and Challenges.
IMAPS International Symposium on Microelectronics, pp.
572-577, Pasadena (CA), USA, 2018.
- Dymel, C.; Schemmel, R.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.; Brökelmann, M.;
Hunstig, M.: Experimental
investigations on the impact of bond process parameters in
two-dimensional ultrasonic copper bonding. Proceedings
of 8th Electronics IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan (ICSJ 2018),
Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 19-21, 2018. DOI:10.1109/ICSJ.2018.8602653
- Dymel, C.; Eichwald, P.; Schemmel, R.; Hemsel, T.; Brökelmann, M.;
Hunstig, M.; Sextro, W.: Numerical
and statistical investigation of weld formation in a novel
two-dimensional copper-copper bonding process. Proceedings
of 7th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference,
Dresden, Germany, Sept. 18-21, 2018. DOI:10.1109/ESTC.2018.8546487
- Schemmel, R.; Althoff, S.; Sextro, W.; Unger, A.; Hunstig, M.;
Brökelmann, M.: Effects of
different working frequencies on the joint formation in copper
wire bonding. CIPS 2018 -
10th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics
Systems, Stuttgart/Germany, March 20-22, 2018,
ETG-Fachbericht 156, VDE-Verlag, 2018, pp. 230-235. [Preprint]
- Panepinto, J.; Dobs, T.; Grams, A.; Höfer, J.; Lang, K. D.;
Helmich, L.; Hunstig, M.: Modellbasierte
Schwingungsuntersuchung geklebter Chipaufbauten hinsichtlich ihrer
Eignung zum Ultraschall-Drahtbonden. Elektronische
Baugruppen und Leiterplatten (EBL 2018): Vorträge der 9.
DVS/GMM-Tagung in Fellbach am 20. und 21. Februar 2018, DVS-Berichte
Band 340, DVS Media, 2018, S. 33-39. [Preprint]
- Eichwald, P.; Althoff, S.; Schemmel, R.; Sextro, W.; Unger, A.;
Brökelmann, M.; Hunstig, M.: Multi-dimensional
Ultrasonic Copper Bonding - New Challenges for Tool Design.
IMAPS 50th Anniversary Symposium,
Raleigh (NC), USA, Oct. 10-12, 2017, pp. 438–443. [DOI:10.4071/isom-2017-WP43_071]
- Schneider, F.; Long Y.; Ohrdes, H.; Twiefel, J.; Brökelmann, M.;
Hunstig, M.; Venkatesh, A.; Hermsdorf, J.; Kaierle, S.; Overmeyer,
L.: Effect of laser assistance in
ultrasonic copper wire bonding. Lasers in Manufacturing
Conference (LiM), Munich, Germany, June 26-29, 2017 [online]
- Hunstig, M.: Piezoelectric
Inertia Motors—A Critical Review of History, Concepts, Design,
Applications, and Perspectives. Actuators (2017)
6(1), 7. DOI:
10.3390/act6010007 (open access) [backup
- Unger, A.; Schemmel, R.; Meyer, T.;
Eacock, F.; Eichwald, P.; Althoff, S.; Sextro, W.; Brökelmann, M.;
Hunstig, M.; Guth, K.: Validated
Simulation of the Ultrasonic Wire Bonding Process. IEEE CPMT
Symposium Japan, pp. 251-254, 2016. DOI:10.1109/ICSJ.2016.7801275
- Eichwald, P.; Unger, A.; Eacock, F.;
Althoff, S.; Sextro, W.; Guth, K.; Brökelmann, M.; Hunstig, M.: Micro Wear
Modeling in Copper Wire Wedge Bonding. IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan,
2016. DOI:10.1109/ICSJ.2016.7801279
- Brökelmann, M.; Unger, A.; Meyer, T.; Althoff, S.; Sextro, W.;
Hunstig, M.; Biermann, F. A.; Guth, K.: Kupferbondverbindungen
intelligent herstellen. wt-online
7/8-2016, pp. 512-519, 2016. [online journal]
- Meyer, T.; Unger, A.; Althoff, S.; Sextro, W.; Brökelmann, M.;
Hunstig, M.; Guth, K.: Reliable
Manufacturing of Heavy Copper Wire Bonds Using Online Parameter
Adaptation. IEEE 66th
Electronic Components and Technology Conference, pp.
622-628, 2016. DOI:
10.1109/ECTC.2016.215 [Preprint]
- Brökelmann, M.; Siepe, D.; Hunstig, M.; Guth, K.; Schnietz, M.: Wear optimized
consumables for copper wire bonding in industrial mass production. CIPS 2016 – 9th International
Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems,
ETG-Fachberichte, Vol. 148, pp. 211-217. [Preprint]
- Unger, A.; Sextro, W.; Meyer, T.; Eichwald, P.;
Althoff, S.; Eacock, F.; Brökelmann, M.; Hunstig, M.; Guth, K.:
Modeling of the Stick-Slip Effect in Heavy Copper Wire
Bonding to Determine and Reduce Tool Wear. 17th IEEE
Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, Singapore,
Dec. 2-4, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/EPTC.2015.7412375
- Meyer, T.; Unger, A.; Althoff, S.; Sextro, W.;
Brökelmann, M.; Hunstig, M.; Guth, K.: Modeling and
Simulation of the Ultrasonic Wire Bonding Process. 17th IEEE Electronics Packaging
Technology Conference, Singapore, Dec. 2-4, 2015. DOI:10.1109/EPTC.2015.7412377
- Brökelmann, M.; Siepe, D.; Hunstig, M.; McKeown, M.; Oftebro, K.:
Copper wire bonding ready for
industrial mass production. 48th
IMAPS International Symposium on Microelectronics, Orlando
(FL), USA, Oct. 26-29, 2015. DOI:10.4071/isom-2015-WP32
- Hunstig, M.: Konzeption,
Ansteuerung und Eigenschaften schneller piezoelektrischer
Trägheitsmotoren (engl.: Conception, control and
characteristics of fast piezoelectric inertia motors). Schriften
des Lehrstuhls für Mechatronik und Dynamik, Band 2. Shaker,
Aachen, 2014. [Shaker
Verlag] [Universität
Paderborn, urn:nbn:de:hbz:466:2-14682]
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.: High-velocity
operation of piezoelectric inertia motors: experimental
validation. Archive of Applied Mechanics (2014),
pp. 1–9. DOI:10.1007/s00419-014-0940-0
- Unger, A.; Sextro, W.; Althoff, S.;
Eichwald, P.; Meyer, T.; Eacock, F.; Brökelmann, M.; Hunstig, M.;
Bolowski, D.; Guth, K.: Experimental
and Numerical Simulation Study of Pre-Deformed Heavy Copper Wire
Wedge Bonds. Proceedings
of the 47th IMAPS International Symposium on Microelectronics,
2014. DOI:10.4071/isom-TP44
- Al-Ashtari, W.; Hunstig, M.;
Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.: Increasing
the power of piezoelectric energy harvesters by magnetic
stiffening. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems
and Structures 24 (2013), pp. 1332–1342. DOI:10.1177/1045389X13483021
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro,
W.: Modelling the friction
contact in an inertia motor. Journal of Intelligent
Material Systems and Structures 24 (2013),
pp. 1380–1391. DOI:10.1177/1045389X12474354
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro,
W.: Stick-slip and slip-slip
operation of piezoelectric inertia drives. Part I: Ideal
excitation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
200 (2013), pp. 90–100. DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2012.11.012
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro,
W.: Stick-slip and slip-slip
operation of piezoelectric inertia drives—Part II:
Frequency-limited excitation. Sensors and Actuators
A: Physical 200 (2013), pp. 79–89. DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2012.11.043 [Preprint]
- Al-Ashtari, W.; Hunstig, M.;
Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.: Enhanced
Energy Harvesting Using Multiple Piezoelectric Elements:
Theory and Experiments. Sensors and Actuators A:
Physical 200 (2013) pp. 138–146. DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2013.01.008
- Hunstig, M.; Al-Ashtari, W.;
Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.: Leistungs-
und Bandbreitensteigerung von Energy-Harvesting-Generatoren
für energieautarke Systeme (engl.:
Increasing power and bandwidth of energy harvesters for
autonomous systems). 9. Paderborner Workshop Entwurf
mechatronischer Systeme. Paderborn, 2013, pp. 359–372
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro,
W.: High-Velocity Slip-Slip
Operation of Piezoelectric Inertia Motors – Experimental
Validation. Proceedings of 10th International
Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications and 8th
Energy Harvesting Workshop. Hannover: Berichte aus dem
IDS, 2013, pp. 16–18. DOI:10.2314/IWPMA_18
- Al-Ashtari, W.; Hunstig, M.;
Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.: Characteristics
of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters in Autonomous Systems.
Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Piezoelectric
Materials and Applications and 8th Energy Harvesting Workshop.
Hannover: Berichte aus dem IDS, 2013, pp. 159–161
- Al-Ashtari, W., Hunstig, M.,
Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.: Analytical
determination of characteristic frequencies and equivalent
circuit parameters of a piezoelectric bimorph. Journal
of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 23(1)
(2012), S. 15–23. DOI:10.1177/1045389X11430742
- Al-Ashtari, W.; Hunstig, M.;
Hemsel, T.; Sextro, W.: Frequency
tuning of piezoelectric energy harvesters by magnetic force.
Smart Materials and Structures 21 (2012) 035019. DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/21/3/035019
- Sextro, W.; Hunstig, M.;
Bornmann, P.; Hemsel, T.: Anordnung
und Verfahren zur mehrdimensionalen Messung von Schwingungen
eines Objekts, Offenlegungsschrift DE 102010033951 A1,
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro,
W.: Analysis of Different
Operation Modes for Inertia Motors. ACTUATOR 12
Conference Proceedings. Bremen: Wirtschaftsförderung
Bremen, 2012, pp. 761–764. [Preprint]
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.; Sextro,
W.: An Efficient Simulation
Technique for High-Frequency Piezoelectric Inertia Motors.
2012 International Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE, 2012,
pp. 277–280. DOI:10.1109/ULTSYM.2012.0068
- Hunstig,
M.; Hemsel, T.: Drive
Signals for Maximizing the Velocity of Piezoelectric
Inertia Motors. Journal of the Korean Physical
Society 57 (2010), pp. 938–941. DOI:10.3938/jkps.57.938
(If the DOI link is broken, try this
search on the journal homepage.)
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.: Parameter Identification and
Model Validation for the Piezoelectric Actuator in an
Inertia Motor. Journal of the Korean Physical
Society 57 (2010), pp. 952–954. DOI:10.3938/jkps.57.952
the DOI link is broken, try this
search on the journal homepage.)
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.;
Sextro, W.: Anregungskonzepte
und Modellierung piezoelektrischer Trägheitsmotoren
(engl.: Drive concepts and modelling of piezoelectric inertia
motors). 7. Paderborner Workshop Entwurf mechatronischer
Systeme. Paderborn, 2010, pp. 129–141. [Preprint]
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.;
Sextro, W.: Improving the
Performance of Piezoelectric Inertia Motors. ACTUATOR
10 Conference Proceedings. Bremen: Wirtschaftsförderung
Bremen, 2010, pp. 657–661. [Preprint]
- Hunstig, M.; Hemsel, T.: Modellbasierte
Entwicklung piezoelektrischer Trägheitsmotoren (engl.:
Model based development of piezoelectric inertia motors). 6.
Paderborner Workshop Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme.
Paderborn, 2009, pp. 85–96. [Preprint]